Download Kingdom New Lands free, Complete version game , start playing and have fun.
Kingdom New Lands was released on 9th August, 2016.
Kingdom New Lands is a PC game. This game have award winning game play. You will see a lot of new things in the game. Although it is an amazing game with new content but this is so simple and easy to play. You have to travel in the new lands, you will play as the food merchant etc. There are many things which will come in your way and you have to avoid all these things and will threaten you a lot. In this surrounding you can defeat every thing in the battle. Player need to be brave and clever to face every situation. You have to find out the secret mysteries and find new places in the Land.
Game have Some of the major Properties in it
The following features are there as follow:-
Great simulation game.
Based on strategy elements.
Story line of the game is amazing.
This game is so enjoyable.
Display of the game are worth admiration.
The game has these PC Requirements
These are the Minimum Requirements For This Game:-
The Windows which support this game are:-XP/Vista/7/8+8.1
Size of this Game :- 1.1 GB
Space on Hard disk you need:- 1 GB
Random Access Memory (RAM):- 1 GB
Central Processing Unit(CPU):- Intel Dual Core or faster
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